Figured I had to post this...
I've been trying to compile command-line vim 7.3 on Mac OS X 10.7. I have the latest `hg clone`d version of vim. I'm stuck on ncurses.
If I `./configure` with no options, I get the following error:
checking --with-tlib argument... empty: automatic terminal library selection
checking for tgetent in -ltinfo... no
checking for tgetent in -lncurses... no
checking for tgetent in -ltermlib... no
checking for tgetent in -ltermcap... no
checking for tgetent in -lcurses... no
no terminal library found
checking for tgetent()... configure: error: NOT FOUND!
You need to install a terminal library; for example ncurses.
Or specify the name of the library with --with-tlib.
If instead I try `./configure --with-tlib=ncurses`
checking --with-tlib argument... ncurses
checking for linking with ncurses library... configure: error: FAILED
I have Xcode 4.1. As far as I can tell, ncurses is available:
$ file /usr/lib/libncurses.*
/usr/lib/libncurses.5.4.dylib: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
/usr/lib/libncurses.5.4.dylib (for architecture x86_64): Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared library x86_64
/usr/lib/libncurses.5.4.dylib (for architecture i386): Mach-O dynamically linked shared library i386
/usr/lib/libncurses.5.dylib: Mach-O dynamically linked shared library i386
/usr/lib/libncurses.dylib: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
/usr/lib/libncurses.dylib (for architecture x86_64): Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared library x86_64
/usr/lib/libncurses.dylib (for architecture i386): Mach-O dynamically linked shared library i386
Then I changed my PATH from /usr/local/bin... to /usr/bin.....
The problem was trying to use my /usr/local/bin/gcc instead of the mac default /usr/bin/gcc. Something about my locally installed gcc (4.6.1) caused major problems.
I also eventually had to do this command:
LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib CFLAGS='-arch i386 -arch x86_64' CCFLAGS='-arch i386 -arch x86_64' CXXFLAGS='-arch i386 -arch x86_64' ./configure --enable-perlinterp --enable-pythoninterp --enable-cscope --with-features=huge
and then had to make sure my default python was NOT pointing to enthought!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
LaTeX: VIM + Skim is my install script for using with
The agpy wiki page has instructions that are probably more clear; I don't really like the colorscheme / layout of this blog.
You can use synctex to make an editor and viewer work together, but it is far from easy and far harder than it should be. Forward-search is pretty easy, but the latex-suite
I had to do the following:
For VIM-> ( is necessary for any of this to work), add these commands to .vimrc:
Going the other way (reverse-search / inverse-search) was MUCH more challenging. The code that does this is on agpy . Reproduced here for posterity (I hope to update the agpy version to deal with tabs). [A few hours later, I HAVE replaced the code. Below are the old applescript version, then the new, vim-based version
New code: download link
Save that as an executable in your default path (e.g.,
You need to have mvim on your path. mvim comes with, but is NOT installed by default. Install it by doing something like:
You'll also need to install WhichTab.vim in your
The agpy wiki page has instructions that are probably more clear; I don't really like the colorscheme / layout of this blog.
You can use synctex to make an editor and viewer work together, but it is far from easy and far harder than it should be. Forward-search is pretty easy, but the latex-suite
only works intermittently and is not easily customizable.I had to do the following:
For VIM-> ( is necessary for any of this to work), add these commands to .vimrc:
" Activate skim
map ,v :w<CR>:silent !/Applications/ -r <C-r>=line('.')<CR> %<.pdf %<CR><CR>
map ,p :w<CR>:silent !pdflatex -synctex=1 --interaction=nonstopmode %:p <CR>:silent !/Applications/ -r <C-r>=line('.')<CR> %<.pdf %<CR><CR>
map ,m :w<CR>:silent !make <CR>:silent !/Applications/ -r <C-r>=line('.')<CR> %<.pdf %<CR><CR>
" Reactivate VIM
map ,r :w<CR>:silent !/Applications/ -r <C-r>=line('.')<CR> %<.pdf %<CR>:silent !osascript -e "tell application \"MacVim\" to activate" <CR><CR>
map ,t :w<CR>:silent !pdflatex -synctex=1 --interaction=nonstopmode %:p <CR>:silent !/Applications/ -r <C-r>=line('.')<CR> %<.pdf %<CR>:silent !osascript -e "tell application \"MacVim\" to activate" <CR><CR>
command will reload the file and put your cursor where the text is. ,t
will return VIM to the front afterwards.Going the other way (reverse-search / inverse-search) was MUCH more challenging. The code that does this is on agpy . Reproduced here for posterity (I hope to update the agpy version to deal with tabs). [A few hours later, I HAVE replaced the code. Below are the old applescript version, then the new, vim-based version
[ "${file:0:1}" == "/" ] || file="${PWD}/$file"
# Use Applescript to activate VIM, find file, and load it
# the 'delay' command is needed to prevent command/control/shift from sticking when this
# is activated (e.g., from Skim, where the command is command-shift-click)
# key code 53 is "escape" to escape to command mode in VIM
exec osascript \
-e "delay 0.2" \
-e "tell application \"MacVim\" to activate" \
-e "tell application \"System Events\"" \
-e " tell process \"MacVim\"" \
-e " key code 53 "\
-e " keystroke \":set hidden\" & return " \
-e " keystroke \":if bufexists(bufname('$file'))\" & return " \
-e " keystroke \":exe \\\":buffer \\\" . bufnr(bufname('$file'))\" & return " \
-e " keystroke \":else \" & return " \
-e " keystroke \":echo \\\"Could not load file\\\" \" & return " \
-e " keystroke \":endif\" & return " \
-e " keystroke \":$line\" & return " \
-e " end tell" \
-e "end tell"
New code: download link
# Install directions:
# Put this file somewhere in your path and make it executable
# To set up in Skim, go to Preferences:Sync
# Change Preset: to Custom
# Change Command: to macvim-load-line
# Change Arguments: to "%file" %line
echo file: $file
echo line: $line
echo debug: $debug
for server in `mvim --serverlist`
foundfile=`mvim --servername $server --remote-expr "WhichTab('$file')"`
if [[ $foundfile > 0 ]]
mvim --servername $server --remote-expr "foreground()"
if [[ $debug ]] ; then echo mvim --servername $server --remote-send ":exec \"tabnext $foundfile\""; fi
mvim --servername $server --remote-send ":exec \"tabnext $foundfile\""
if [[ $debug ]] ; then echo mvim --servername $server --remote-send ":$line"; fi
mvim --servername $server --remote-send ":$line"
Save that as an executable in your default path (e.g.,
) and open, go to Preferences:Sync and make the command look like this:You need to have mvim on your path. mvim comes with, but is NOT installed by default. Install it by doing something like:
cp /Users/adam/Downloads/MacVim-7_3-53/mvim /usr/local/bin/mvim
You'll also need to install WhichTab.vim in your
directory. It's available here ( download link ). Here's the source:function! WhichTab(filename)
" Try to determine whether file is open in any tab.
" Return number of tab it's open in
let buffername = bufname(a:filename)
if buffername == ""
return 0
let buffernumber = bufnr(buffername)
" tabdo will loop through pages and leave you on the last one;
" this is to make sure we don't leave the current page
let currenttab = tabpagenr()
let tab_arr = []
tabdo let tab_arr += tabpagebuflist()
" return to current page
exec "tabnext ".currenttab
" Start checking tab numbers for matches
let i = 0
for tnum in tab_arr
let i += 1
echo "tnum: ".tnum." buff: ".buffernumber." i: ".i
if tnum == buffernumber
return i
function! WhichWindow(filename)
" Try to determine whether the file is open in any GVIM *window*
let serverlist = split(serverlist(),"\n")
"let currentserver = ????
for server in serverlist
let remotetabnum = remote_expr(server,
if remotetabnum != 0
return server
Sunday, January 08, 2012
API documentation on agpy
I finally processed agpy through sphinx and made some nice html documentation.