
Saturday, November 27, 2010

IDL syntax highlighting in VIM

I've edited my idlang.vim to auto-identify files that start with a semicolon.

Add Line 19:
syn match idlangStatement "^\s*;\s"

Line 61/2 (allow spaces before ;):
syn match idlangComment "\s*[\;].*$" contains=idlangTodo


Monday, November 22, 2010

Mercurial - behave like SVN?

I'm trying to use hooks to make mercurial behave like svn when committing. I like the idea that I can commit changes to my cloned repo while I'm away from the internet, but I never want that behavior when I do have internet access. Therefore, I want to attempt to pull before updating and attempt to push after committing. Every time. I have been consistently very unhappy with the hg merge command.

precommit = hg pull; hg up
postcommit= hg push
post-pull = hg up

However, this doesn't work. precommit freezes with the error
waiting for lock on working directory of [dir] held by [procnum]

and pre-commit results in other errors:

running hook pre-commit: hg pull; hg up
pulling from [source]
searching for changes
no changes found
running hook post-pull: hg up
abort: outstanding uncommitted merges
warning: post-pull hook exited with status 255
abort: outstanding uncommitted merges
warning: pre-commit hook exited with status 255


Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Repositories for observers

I should have posted these a while ago....
casaradio is a subversion repository for folks at The Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy at CU Boulder to post radio astronomy related codes. So far, emphasizes single dish (GBT, Arecibo), but will include EVLA, CARMA, and ALMA eventually.
aposoftware is a similar page, but is a mercurial repository and is meant to include instrument-specific software for the Apache Point Observatory 3.5m telescope. Right now includes a TUI script or two and the TSPEC and DIS IRAF-twodspec pipelines.

I'd be remiss to leave out the BGPS pipeline even though it's mentioned on the previous post.

Also, agpy is my personal code repository.

BGPS data paper published

Metalinking! The BGPS paper finally made it onto astro-ph today. It will be published in ApJS before the year's end.

Links to all of the published BGPS papers at the Bolocam Data Team website

And just because I want more linking, here they all are again:
The Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey I. Survey Description and Data Reduction arXiv
The Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey II. Catalog of the Image Data arXiv
The Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey III. Characterizing Physical Properties of Massive Star-Forming Regions in the Gemini OB1 Molecular Cloud arXiv
The Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey IV: λ = 1.1 and 0.35 mm Dust Continuum Emission in the Galactic Center Region

The same set of links is reproduced at the pipeline googlecode page.